The Arona Ship Wreck

The Arona Wreck
Max depth: 40m
Experience level: Wreck, Deep, Higher skill level.
Sightings: Large Barracuda, Rays, Variety of small fishes, Sharks.
Complete shipwreck with penetration of the hull and interior.
The Arona Ship Wreck: A complete wreck at the edge of recreational limits. This dive is like no other in the Canary islands.
The Arona is spoken of as a highlight of diving in Gran Canaria by those that know of it, but it's mostly an un dived secret to the holiday divers of the island. As a cargo ship, it is 130m long and resting on its port side at 40m, has a swim-through hold, bow to stern is in good condition with challenging entrances in the keel. There are lots of large shoals of fish, and huge Barracuda circling in the deep. This wreck speaks for itself, needless to say the weather needs to be just right and likewise the ocean, otherwise the dive is to hazardous to make safely. But to anyone lucky enough and brave enough this wreck is in its own league.
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